The Power of Post

The Power of Post. A reminder of how good it is to send and receive post, letter or parcel and the positive impact it can have.

Who doesn't love recieving a little bit of post? I'm talking about the kind of post that isn't a bill, mailshot or supermarket special offer catalogue (although they can be a good read!). I mean the type of post which puts a smile on your face, mainly due to it not being any of those listed and makes you happy to have friends who have taken the time to send you a card, postcard or sometimes a gift.

My passion for post began many moons ago when I used to pick up free postcards and send them to friends with updates, I'd relish sending them and it was always a bonus if I would receive them in return. There is just something so special about sending and receiving a handwritten note or letter, especially in the fast paced, instantanious, instant gratification society in which we live today. When the norm is to send a text and avoid actual contact as much as humanly possible, perhaps a tad extreme but it does feel this way sometimes or is it just me?

Whatever happened to sending post? Can you remember when you got your last letter or suprise gift?

Its a great feeling having someone elses words delivered on your doorstep with an update of their life. To know someone has taken the time to sit down, write and send a few kind words, share thoughts, feelings and send love is always a treat. I love sending post for no particular reason, its not only a great way to keep in touch but also a way to brush up on your writing skills too. I tend to spend a lot of time typing on the computer, so its a good way to check I can still write with a pen.

love letter copy.jpg

To receive something you can touch, more physical than virtual seems a little more special than an e-mail, although don't get me wrong I like e-mails too. So keep sending them please.

To see someones handwriting and read their words, you can't get much better than that...apart from a physical catch up over coffee, wine or food perhaps. For me, texting and using social media will never overtake the written word or physical catch ups.

Sending post doesn't have to be a huge effort either, a simple postcard with a lovely visual takes seconds to write and pop in the postbox.
Effortless communication, guaranteed to make someone feel warm and fuzzy. So what are you waiting for, write something to someone, have fun picking the card and get sending.

Does anyone have anyone have any lovely tales of letter writing?

Lovely letter writing links

Reasons not to abandon letter writing

Reason why letter writing is great

Writing and why its joyous


The Power of Positive


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