Forward Motion Back.Forward.Stillness.Action.Reflect.Onward.

At the time of writing this, we have just entered a new year, Happy 2022 everyone!

The time of year where overuse of the phrase ‘New Year, New You’ is heard often, inboxes overflow with articles to read on the topic of improvement and ideas for new routines, fitness workouts, food to eat for a healthier you, articles recommending ways to goal set or achieve your wildest dreams, the best books to read for ‘sleep/fitness/motiation’ and the list goes on. To be honest, I find it all somewhat overwhelming and exhaustative, like any inbox on a normal day but on steroids in January. It’s a time where I hit the unsubscribe button more often than actually opening the newsletter or email, as less is more sometimes.

For me, it’s great to use this time of year for a bit of reflection, a few hours or days to take stock of everything that happened the year before, to see what may have worked and what really didn’t, the exciting and uninspiring and ultimately, things I’d like to give more time, focus and attention too. It is always a good feeling to have reflected on things (for a bit) to positively push forward, a lot (fingers crossed).

Depending on how much time, energy and deep you want to look at the previous year there are various resources and questions for relection available online (and can be done anytime of year really!). I have listed a few below to cut through the emails, articles and ideas, for your pleasure rather than pressure or overwhelm because often, focusing on less is the key.

To 2022 being a year of less not more, because often if we focus on less, we more often than not, will have more.

To a year of having more from less, if you get me?

How to set Goals (and why you should write them down)

Year Compass

Maxie McCoy 25 Questions for Reflection

Balance Media goal setting/reflection questions

Extraodinary routines


The Power of Post


One Good Thing