Tattoo - The Japanese symbol for ‘Live Forever’
Thank you Helena for sharing her tattoo.
Helena’s tattoo reads ‘Live Forever’ and is a memory of her Dad, who passed away when she was 15, a few months before, a friend’s Dad passed away, both died quite suddenly. It was a sad time and they both connected over the shared loss. A few years later both decided to get Japanese symbols on their backs as a memory of their Dad's, her friend’s tattoo reads, ‘Happy Ever After’.
The tattoo is a reminder to live life to the full, grasp life and everything possible. Her Dad was so young she he died, only 43 and the meaning is a reminder to her do so.
She didn’t want any dates but something simple, for her, to remember her Dad, not necessarily to be seen by anyone or understood either. It does not have an obvious meaning or is in a place where anyone can see it easily, unless she is wearing a swimsuit. It’s on her back, left shoulder, Helena knows the meaning and that’s all that matters.
Thanks to Helena everyone else knows the meaning now and to whoever is reading this, it will be a great reminder to live life to the fullest too.
When was the last time you did something you fully enjoyed? Tried something new, had a conversation with a stranger and really got out of your comfort zone?