TATTOO - A conch

Thank you Maia for haring your tattoo

Maia and her sister love the film ‘The cat in the hat’ with Mike Myers.

One of the main lines in it is ‘Be Spontaneous’ and on his to do list it says, ‘Be spontaneous’, so there was a long running joke with her sister about being spontaneous and one day, after her sister had visited her, she’d left a note which said ‘Be Spontaneous’

Maia thought it was sweet and wanted to get a tattoo of it as a reminder of her sister and the running joke they have. Later in the week, she went to a walk in tattooist for a quick ink, to surprise her sister who was returning soon.

Unfortunately the tattoo experience was not a good one, the tattooist didn’t give her enough time to decide and it was all a bit rushed. When he started doing it, she wasn’t sure about it, as it didn’t look right and the result was not a good one.

After the experience, she called her girlfriend and said ‘ I don’t know what I’ve done’, I’m going to have to get it covered up.

It was at this point she knew she wanted it covered up, so she contacted the lady who had tattooed her leg and gave her some ideas of what she might like, something to do with nature or similar.

She sent her back a rough idea of the conch to cover up the words ‘be Spontaneous’, which is in keeping with the tattoo’s words, as there is no way Maia would have ever thought of having a conch inked on her arm otherwise, she gave free rein to do what she wanted and put her trust in her.

When she did show her sister the original ink ‘Be Spontaneous’ her sister said, is that meant to be my handwriting? so it is a good thing it's now covered up with the conch.

The message still exists within the tattoo and it is ironic it all happened the way it did. Her sister ended up with a tattoo in exactly the same place a few years ago and is trying to get it covered up too.


Benatte. Super Arte


Carpe Diem